Revisiting past work: NOFX frontman Fat Mike On 25 Years Of Fat Wreck Chords
This article first appeared in Colorado Music Buzz, August 2015. NOFX Frontman Fat Mike on 25 years of Fat Wreck Chords by Tim Wenger...

Revisiting Past Work: Is Anti-Flag Still Legit?
This article first appeared in Colorado Music Buzz, June 2015. I met Pat Thetic from Anti-Flag backstage at the Marquis Theatre in...

Revisiting Past Work: The Waiting Game: On Tour With The Yawpers
This article originally appeared in Colorado Music Buzz, November 2013. I went out to North Carolina and met up with The Yawpers for a...

So, You Have A Band Extras: Sample Band Agreement
Here is a sample band agreement that you can print out, or copy and paste into a word processing program and adjust as necessary to fit...

WATCH: The Green Belt & The Great Outdoors of Quebec City
Here is a 3 minute video highlighting the outdoors of Quebec- #Quebec #Quebecregion #Quebecoriginal #TimWenger #viaferrata...

So, You Have A Band Extras: Advice for bands looking to tour: Writing a press release
In my upcoming book So You Have a Band, I discuss everything an artist needs to know to approach the media and venues. Press releases are...

How EnergyLogic is raising the bar on home efficiency testing
Many paths are available to those seeking to make their home as energy efficient as possible. Berthoud, Colorado-based company...

Revisiting past work: 'Is Mother Nature Losing Control?' from Snowboard Colorado magazine, J
This article originally appeared in the January 2012 issue of Snowboard Colorado magazine. The piece covers the controversial subject of...

WATCH: Whistler in 2 minutes
A quick video summary of Whistler Blackcomb and their varied terrain. #snowboarding #WhistlerBlackcomb #Whistler #Canada