So, You Have A Band Extras: Advice for bands looking to tour: Writing a press release
In my upcoming book So You Have a Band, I discuss everything an artist needs to know to approach the media and venues. Press releases are a super important part of that, so I thought I'd share a release I wrote recently for my friends in Trapdoor Social, about their current tour.
Some notes on this release:
-it highlights a specific, important event that is relevant to niche media outlets
-it provides contact for an interview
-it explains why this news is relevant and who it is relevant
-it finishes with a boiler plate (bio paragraph and upcoming show dates).
The book is out November 1 on Amazon, sign up for the newsletter on the home page here at to stay up to date and get involved in the presale!
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Trapdoor Social Solar-Powers their Album Release in Colorado
LOS ANGELES, CA – LA-based alt rock band Trapdoor Social will be celebrating the release of their new album with three shows in Colorado coupled with record store and radio appearances around the state from August 11-14. These dates mark the beginning of a nearly three month long national tour- catch details and updates at
But this isn’t just another band heading out on another tour. Trapdoor Social is touring with their own mobile solar power station, which they often use to power their own outdoor concerts. In Colorado, the power station will be put to use at festivals in Colorado Springs and Castle Rock. The band performed their first ever solar-powered show last summer in Colorado Springs. “The solar tour is a huge move for us… it not only enables us to put on shows wherever and whenever we want, but it allows us to promote clean energy and send our message on the importance of sustainability”, says Trapdoor Social co-founder Skylar Funk.
The band is excited to share their new music, and happy to be in Colorado for its release. The new album will be dropped at midnight on 8/12, just after their headlining set at the Marquis Theatre in Denver, and will be available on Spotify, iTunes and Amazon Music. Physical CDs will be available for advanced purchase at the concert.
The album reveals Trapdoor Social’s shift towards a new direction, with the writing process including collaboration with guitarist Louie Gonzalez and bassist Patrick Griffen. And through the songwriting the band shows no signs of holding back, going full speed ahead with message-driven, anthemic alternative rock. Check out the single premier and review by PopMatters, who said the new track, Sunshine, "is all monster hooks and full-blown chorus, snarled guitars warping anthemic vocal harmonies." Be sure to check out Trapdoor Social's collaboration with a Colorado Springs high school marching band: Fine On My Own. The students will join Trapdoor Social on-stage at the Springs Spree on August 14.
Colorado dates:
August 11- Denver @ Marquis Theatre w/ Redlands, This Broken Beat, Atlantic Panic, Manic
August 12- Album signing and meet and greet from 6-8 pm at Independent Records in Colorado Springs
August 13- Castle Rock @ Maddiepalooza
August 14- Colorado Springs @ Springs Spree at Memorial Park
The band is available for interviews and other press inquiries.
Media Contact: Skylar Funk, or xxx-xxx-xxxx